Robots find their voice

Robots find their voice

Ever wondered why digital assistants are so good? It’s all about Natural language processing (NLP) – the science of programming computers to process natural language. It makes robots “more human”. Some serious resources are going into this science. GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) is a language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text. Applying over 175 billion…

Robo vs Human advice

Robo vs Human advice

An adviser needs to know their client, products and the law before giving advice. In theory a Robot can do all of this, much of it more efficiently and all of it cheaper. Theory is becoming reality. Finchat has a voice based financial health check. Quotacy has a voiced-based Life Insurance quotation system and investment…

Rise of the robots

Rise of the robots

The real future of financial advice – Rise of the Robots I attended an Amazon conference where the key note speaker declared (somewhat tongue in cheek) that “in the future all companies will be IT companies”. He pointed to Uber and Airbnb who are not much more than a computer program and the market capitalization…

Robo wars

Robo wars

Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Google have a combined market capitalisation bigger than the GDP of most countries. If they believe “voice” is the future then it probably is. Most of us use their digital assistants. We ask Apple’s Siri to call mum, Amazon’s Alexa to turn on the lights, Microsoft’s Cortana for the day’s schedule…

2021: an advice odyssey

2021: an advice odyssey

Financial planners have used algorithms for ages. Financial planning software churns out advice documents, re-balancing algorithms keep asset mixes aligned to risk profiles and research software forms the basis of product recommendations. Why can’t we let clients access the software directly and reduce costs? Planning software is difficult to use and understand. Even financial planners…