Working from home – or on your swing?

There is a theory that 20% of employees do 80% of the work. We all know the super-efficient workaholics who prefer not to delegate.
What about the 80% doing 20% of the work and at home? Are they working on their golf swing? Research conducted by Croner (UK employment law specialists), found UK employees spend, on average, 13 hours a week on social media in work time.
There are lots of apps to track them and this seems to be a growth area. Most apps offer live video feed showing employee workstation screens, they log the keys that were used, monitor keywords and see into every app and program an employee is using. GPS tracking, performance monitoring and blocking certain pages are also available.
This software is mostly used with the employee’s knowledge but not always. Installing spyware will give an employee even greater insights because the employee may have their guard down.
An employee can beat some of them using a second screen, the “mousemove” feature, scheduling emails so they are sent at a chosen time etc. but they are unlikely to beat them all. These apps generate a report that, read together, will paint a picture.
Most employees understand they should use a personal device when visiting “non-work” sites but while they are there activity dries up on the work machine.
Big brother may be watching.